The new home of our virtual business and adventures is AFFLUENT DREAMS. Here my partner and I, Viktor Guerrero, have made a nice spot for shopping, relaxxing and entertianing that everyone can enjoy . Affluent Dreams is located on a 1/2 sim but well utilized as a whole one and beyond. It's amazing what you can do with 7500 prims, this coming from a prim hog like myself.
We have the a city them on the top level 3000m in the sky with lots of great shopping, very affordable prices and high quality designs and designers. Accomodating everyone is always our focal point. There are daily free items that all may partake of. There is no reason anyone should leave Affluent Dreams empty handed unless it's the way that is chosen. There is always a sale and some bargains waiting for you. Free 50 prim apartments are here as well. Every apt. comes with a nice low scripted sex bed and an couple itan for dancing in the privacy of your own living space.The apartments are full at the moment but we do have a waiting list. Our main requirement is for active SL players only that intend to really live in and enjoy the living spaces provided
We also cater to people who have vehicles and no real place to ride and drive them. Looking for a place to drive your whip? Want to relax, do some fishing or cuddle with your sweetheart? This is where u should start. Just join the group to rez your vehicle and your fun begins. Stay as long as you like, bring a friend. make it even more fun!! There is also a new Club down there, The DugOut. Where we like to party as well. The more the merrier
The Newest add is a shopping area located under the main shopping area called The Underground. Here we will have fun, party, shop and play games. Come bowl for a while, play some skii ball. All the games are free play. Just there for your enjoyment. Looking for a new shop home? We can do that too. At Affluent Dreams we take our business seriously and love to have people who feel the same under our roof. There is always help with your shop with us. You are never alone. Everyone s there to help in any way possible to make your shop a success. So come have a look. You might like what you see.
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