Get It at Target!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Manhattan City welcomes Kiko Life!! Party Time!!!!

Manhattan City is proud to announce the opening of the new Kiko Life Main Store in Manhattan City. Already being business partners with Osuntomi Melendez, the Kiko Life owner and creator. It is even more of a pleasure to have the business with us. Kiko Life is a premium ethnic skin, shape and make up product in Second Life. The best of the best for ethnic avatars. Giving them a wide array of combinations to help make any avatar more beautiful, pleasing and everything your imagination would like it to be. A long, happy and prosperous future for Kiko Life is expected in Manhattan City.

With that said, for all of you who have been looking for and missing Kiko Life. Look no further, they are back  and at home in Manhattan City. Make your way over to experience all that beauty has to offer, Kiko Life style. There are many, many more products already here with more to come. Be sure to keep your eyes open, not to miss one moment.An opening party to welcome Kiko Life to the city and to welcome all of you to come out and visit or revisit Kiko Life again will ensue. DJ Showtime will be in charge of entertaining us all this evening, June 21, 2011 from 4-6pm SLT at the Kiko Life main store. Please come out and have a nice time with us. Your limo is provided . Welcome to Manhattan City, Kiko Life. Manhattan is very pleased to have you!

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Even the Ladies have Got Swagg

One of the new main stores now stationed in Manhattan is Unpredictable Swagg. Owned by PhatJuicyMamma Palmira, this is one hot shop. If you love urban gear to the max of sexy. This is where you need to shop. Everything from ripped jeans and legg ins. Sexy mini outfits, jackets and so much more. The fabrics and designs are gorgeous. Don't walk around wearing the same thing everyone has on. Set yourself apart and express your inner diva with these sexy momma outfits.The prices are very affordable and wont make your wallet cry.To get a better look here is your limo to put you right in the front door. Don't forget to pick up a few free parting gifts on your way out.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

I love my dad. Happy Father's Day Daddy!

Father's Day is a good day for all of us to give special honor, love and thanks to our dads and to our moms who have also been dad. A father's role can be over looked but it's more important than given credit some times. I applaud all you men that step up to the plate and take care of your kids and family .I see more father's today taking active roles in the family and lives of their children.I am very proud of that.

Spoken as a true "Daddy's Girl" I know the importance of a father to me. To love and guide and give a strong hand when needed. To understand and listen when we need to be heard. To laugh with us and show that soft, loving side they also possess. Even to spoil and indulge when necessary to give you a feeling of confidence. Balancing out the home structure and making tough, strong decesions that we may not like sometimes, but usually turn out for our best interest. A father is the first man in a girl's life. Often the kind of father we have helps to mold our expectations for the future men in our lives.Of all the things my father has given me. The most important, I feel, was to always have an open mind and be my own person, and stand behind my convictions. No matter what no one else thinks. And to always treat people the way I want to be treated. So I take this moment to thank my dad for being my "superman", my hero, an all around fantastic guy that I love with all of my heart.One of the most important men in my life, now and forever. Not just on Father's Day, but every day of the week. Happy Father's Day guys! I love you daddyyy!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Just Coolin in the City

It's been a while since I wrote so I thought, why the heck not this morning. There have been a lot of developments as usual in Manhattan City and we are still kicking it live. I've been taking the time lately to get in touch with people that I see come to the city to get their feedback and any suggestions that may have. Just lastnight I was doing some work downtown and a guy rode up on a motorbike by the name of  Kealli Resident. Kealli told me how much he enjoyed riding around and exploring different areas in Manhattan. I was thankful of course, as always when people actually take the time to notice in retail the city. Kealli rode off and I was satisfied. About 30 minutes later he IM me and asked what my favorite car color was.Little did I know, Kealli was a creator of motorbikes and cars and was generous enough to send me a red Roadster. I was like wow, thanks. Of course I hopped right in and started driving. I looked down the street and saw Kealli again, in a red Roadster,lol. We had a ball riding around the sims racing and trying to ditch eachother. After much enjoyment with that, Kealli asked my favorite cafe, which of course if Ralphs. So we parked our cars sat down at a table and starting conversing. Soon, my assistant Honeydew showed, up then Isis Gaelyth, who was also touring the city after renting a shop on the neighboring sim, Ocraco Island and stumbled upon us.It was a nice evening of conversation and sharing ideas for almost 2 hours.I had a nice time and met a couple of nice people and made friends.Another well spent evening in Manhattan. I love it!